


Our Vision

Living Sky Photography Tours believes that photography workshops should create lasting memories. Our tours are designed to showcase the unparalleled beauty of the Canadian prairies. Despite being underestimated as a photography destination, our tours reveal world-class storm chasing, the darkest night skies in North America, and geological wonders found nowhere else in Canada. At Living Sky Photography Tours we promise:

A few photography workshop clients at sunset exploring grasslands national park saskatchewan

Personalized photography instruction designed specifically for you, meeting you at your skill level. Our goal is to help you achieve whatever photography ambitions you have.

Our tours are crafted to showcase the extraordinary hidden beauty of the Canadian prairies, ensuring you experience photography in breathtaking landscapes under living skies.

Joining our tours means becoming part of a unique, creative, and supportive community. We are dedicated to fostering a passionate group that shares the joy of photography.

Who Are You?

We are Craig Hilts and Scott Aspinall. Landscape photographers, storm chasers, and night photographers with a passion for ‘experience-driven’ nature photography. We aren’t chasing an iconic bucket shot list, but instead value the experience and memories that come from discovery, creativity, and connection with the world around us. With decades of combined experience in storm chasing, exploration, and photography, we’ve mastered the art of experiencing the best that the Canadian Prairies have to offer. These images capture just a glimpse of the memories waiting to be yours. Uncover more about our journey by clicking the button below.

What’s the Signature Photography Tour Experience?

Our Signature Photography Tour is not your average photography workshop. It is a storm-chasing photography tour, landscape photography tour, and night photography tour rolled into one. Unlike storm-chasing tours in the US, our Signature Tour capitalizes on the sweeping weather systems that fuel Canadian supercell thunderstorms. These storms often originate in Alberta, forming as troughs or lows from the Canadian Rockies before sweeping eastward across the prairies over several days.

During our tours, we track these storm risks across the Canadian Prairies. One day might find us chasing near Red Deer, Alberta, while the next, we could be pursuing storms developing near Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Our Signature Photography Tour optimizes an active period known for this weather pattern. Yet, occasional lulls in the pattern offer opportunities for landscape photography in some of the world’s best badlands and night photography under some of the darkest skies in North America.

Moreover, being in Canada means the chance to witness the northern lights, the aurora borealis, a possibility always present during our workshops. Past tours have surprised guests with aurora storms, some registering KP7 with vivid displays overhead. While we can’t promise auroras or supercell thunderstorms, we assure you that attending our Signature Tour ensures an authentic Canadian Prairie experience.



What kind of storm photography happens on your tours?

Scott and Craig will leverage their experience to position their photography clients optimally for capturing the perfect shot. We aim to allocate time for setting up a tripod to capture breathtaking images or create timelapses. We are committed to providing you with opportunities to photograph the entire storm structure, including tornado shots. Unlike some storm chasers, our priority is maximizing photo opportunities rather than getting as close to the storm as possible. As much as possible, we try to stay in front of the storms and maximize the storm’s photographic potential.

Are your workshops suitable for all levels of photography?

At Living Sky Photography Tours we are known for our adaptability, making photography accessible for all skill levels. We are fully dedicated to working with you in the classroom and the field to help you progress. While we welcome participants of all skill levels, we recommend acquainting yourself with your equipment before the workshop for a richer experience. Familiarizing yourself with camera operation, the exposure triangle, live view, and concepts such as the histogram beforehand is beneficial. Rest assured, if you need assistance with any of these aspects, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

What are the fitness requirements for your workshops?

While we try to ensure that our workshops can be attended by everyone, our focus on giving you the best experience possible means that some hiking should be expected. While storm chasing typically involves minimal physical activity, other parts of our workshops may require a degree of physical endurance. The longest hike that we might put on our itinerary is 12.1km with 274m of elevation gain (it is not a required hike, but the destination is one of the most impressive views and unique geology our province has to offer; check out the All Trails description). Keep in mind, that Saskatchewan is not home to mountainous terrain, the hiking is rated as moderate or easy along flat or gently sloped terrain. Most other hikes are a 3-5km round trip.

How much driving can I expect?

On some days a lot, on some very little. A lengthy drive might occupy 5 or 6 hours on certain days, while others could entail just an hour or two on the road. The duration largely hinges on our location and the objectives set for the day. Flexibility is key to ensuring we make the most of each moment and capture the best photographic opportunities.

What is the cancellation policy?

Please review all workshop terms and conditions, including our cancellation policy prior to booking.

What is provided?

Here’s a breakdown of what’s included in these workshops:


  • In-field instruction and location guidance.
  • Recorded video for processing instructions.
  • Lodging.
  • Some meals within the scope of accommodations (e.g., if a hotel provides breakfast, it’s included).

Not included:

  • Flights, rental cars, meals, snacks, and beverages.


  • Transportation to and from shooting locations and our hotel is provided.
  • Transportation from the airport to the first hotel is not included.
  • If you prefer, you can choose to drive your own vehicle or carpool with other participants. Reach out to coordinate if you opt for this.

Important notes about food:

  • We’ll do our best to schedule breaks for most meals, but be prepared for non-traditional meal times. Lunch might be a quick Subway in the vehicle en route to a storm setup, and supper could be a late-night burger at 10 PM. Flexibility is key as we prioritize capturing extraordinary moments and adapting to the dynamic nature of our itinerary.
  • It’s highly recommended to have breakfast before the daily meet-up and carry snacks.
  • We prioritize capturing incredible locations and maximizing shooting opportunities, so be prepared for significant distances from amenities in some cases.

How much shooting will we do?

In short, quite a bit. Sunrise, storm photography, sunset, and night photography may all be on the agenda in a single day. That said, catching sunrises may be unlikely due to our other shooting priorities. The goal is to maximize shooting opportunities and provide ample learning experiences.

Even during less-than-optimal conditions, we’ll be out shooting. The workshop is a learning journey, and I want you to have your camera in hand as much as possible. Despite this, there will still be some planned downtime for rest and editing. Our morning meetings are designed to ensure you make the most of both capturing moments and honing your post-processing skills

Can I bring a guest?

Yes, your significant other IS allowed to come! There are a few conditions though. There is a fee that varies per workshop that covers things like insurance, lodging, etc. While transportation during the workshop is covered for workshop guests, it is not included for your significant other. They will need their own vehicle to follow along (the exception is during a storm chase. Due to safety concerns, we only allow drivers with Saskatchewan backroad experience on chases. If there is room inside a vehicle with an approved driver, your significant other can join us). Secondly, workshop accommodations are set up for double occupancy, so if your significant other does join, they will be responsible for the single room supplement fee (varies per workshop). We want your partner to enjoy their trip, but they must understand that they are on our time, which means we will not leave a shoot early for them. Lastly, the biggie, there is to be no use of any other camera besides a cell phone or point-and-shoot and they will receive no personalized instruction.

What are the dangers of a workshop?

We prioritize your safety above all else. No photograph is worth jeopardizing your life. However, there may be situations where you find yourself in conditions that require close monitoring. The most significant safety concern in our workshops is not being aware of your own limitations. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the specific physical requirements of each workshop before you decide to participate (see question above for specific details)

Storm chasing is inherently risky, especially when dealing with supercell thunderstorms on the vast Saskatchewan plains. These storms are as perilous as they are captivating. That’s why we have a comprehensive safety plan in place, which we thoroughly discuss during our orientation. While your safety is our utmost concern, it’s important to recognize that we are not in control—Mother Nature is. Although we have personally remained uninjured throughout years of storm chasing, there have been some close calls. Embracing the risk associated with chasing supercell thunderstorms is part of the experience, as it carries the potential for serious injury or even loss of life. While a well-defined safety plan and accurate forecasting can mitigate some of this risk, there is always a degree of risk that must be acknowledged when pursuing these storms.

What itinerary can we expect on your photography workshop?

Day One:

  • Meet the hotel in Regina, Saskatchewan at 2:00 PM for orientation, talks about creativity, composition, and finding your photographic voice.
  • Drive to shoot location for evening photography.
  • Return to hotel for the night.

Day Two:

  • Morning meeting covering night or storm photography basics.
  • Drive to Swift Current, check in, rest, and early supper.
  • Evening photography on location.
  • Astrophotography session with multiple location possibilities.
  • Return to hotel for sleep.

Day Three:

  • Late breakfast, check forecast, plan day.
  • Meeting on introductory post-processing techniques.
  • Explore various locations for photography.
  • Hiking and potential astrophotography.
  • Return to Swift Current hotel for the night.

Day Four:

  • Breakfast, check out, and drive to Grasslands National Park.
  • Explore Badlands Parkway and hike Valley of 1000 Devils.
  • Sunset, twilight, and possible astrophotography.
  • Drive to hotel in Assiniboia for sleep.

Day Five:

  • Breakfast, check-out, visit Castle Butte for photography.
  • Explore locations closer to Regina for sunset photography.
  • Return to hotel in Regina for the night.

Day Six:

  • Breakfast, check-out, meeting for post-processing techniques and group image critique
  • Lunch in the room, the workshop concludes by 2 PM.

Storm Chase Day (replaces Day 1-6):

  • Check the forecast, plan the day, and cover storm chasing essentials in a meeting.
  • Drive to the predicted storm initiation location and chase until dark.
  • Evaluate storm potential for the next day and either continue chasing or return to Swift Current, stopping at locations on the way.

*subject to change

What should I bring?

Photography Equipment:

  • DSLR or Mirrorless camera with Manual Mode (M).
  • Minimum of three charged camera batteries and charger.
  • Memory cards with at least 64GB storage (preferably 128GB+ for RAW shooting).
  • Remote shutter release or intervalometer.
  • Sturdy tripod.


  • Astrophotography: Wide-angle lens (24mm or wider) with f/2.8 or wider aperture.
  • Storm Photography: Wide-angle lens (at least 15-30mm) with at least f/4 aperture. Mid-range (24-70mm) and telephoto (70-200mm) lenses are also useful.
  • Intimate/Landscapes: Telephoto lens (70-200 or 100-400) and wide-angle lens.


  • Headlamp with red light mode for astrophotography. Ensure fresh batteries or bring extras.

Proper Clothing:

  • Warm base layer and sweater for nighttime temperatures (can drop to +5 to +10 degrees Celsius in July).
  • Long sleeves and pants or bug repellent for mosquitoes.
  • Hiking shoes or boots covering ankles.

Food and Drink:

  • Meals, snacks, and drinks are not included in the workshop fee.
  • Water bottle and preferred drinks.

Other Tech:

  • Laptop with charger for post-processing sessions in Lightroom and Photoshop.
  • Photoshop and Lightroom installed on a laptop.
  • Optional: Luminosity masks panel (Lumenzia or TK Actions) for advanced users.


  • Arrange your transportation to and from Regina around your workshop dates.

Other Requirements:

  • Familiarize yourself with your camera in the dark, including menu navigation, live view, playback, histogram, shooting modes, and adjusting settings.
  • Know how to use your intervalometer for night and storm photography.